Stop & See the Sun


On Sunday I had planned to run in the Reservation on the more Western side. I had just done a hike there the day before with my wife and realized how much I missed running on this side. So my plan was to do a 5 mile run at a moderate pace. One thing with me is I never like to stop when I am running. If I do its for short periods of time (stretching, re-hydrating, etc.) but that’s it. Well this run made it an exception.

Around the 2 and a half mile mark I found myself at the Western tip of the Reservation at its peak right when the sun was beginning to set. I’ve seen many sun sets but this one caught me in both its beauty, calmness and subtly. So much so I stayed far longer than I should have in admiring the glowing orange light emanating from it as it was beginning to set behind the mountains. (Plus it can get a little “tense” running in the woods once it starts getting dark. I really do not recommend. LOL)

Still in all I don’t regret the stop. (I did finish my 5 miles) Truth be told its a lot like life. Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to not run so hard and so fast that we miss the beauty of things that exist upon our journey. Sometimes the healthiest thing for us isn’t the run but the stillness in the moment.

So in your fast paced journey through life, don’t forget to take a moment out to stop and see the Sun.




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The 3 Most Important Life Lessons I Learned Running for 100 Days Straight.